Where Every Child Plays, Learns and Grows Together!


Toddler Program

Our toddlers are excited about walking and wanting to explore everything in sight! Our teachers have a strong understanding of the growing toddler. Each day is spent fostering the growth of the individual child as they learn and grow together. Because toddlers are learning at such a fast pace, our teachers plan plenty of hands-on activities, while keeping them fun and exiting. Our toddler classroom provides developmentally appropriate materials and equipment to enable the children to learn and grow. We take the children for walks throughout the building and outside when appropriate to explore and learn about the world around them.

Serving 6 weeks through 12 Years Old

Fresh Start Daycare Center

“ S E   H A B L A    E S P A Ñ O L”

L   O   C   A   T   I   O   N   S