Serving 6 weeks through 12 Years Old

Fresh Start Daycare Center

L   O   C   A   T   I   O   N   S

   Where Every Child Plays, Learns and Grows Together!

Two year old ​​Program

As children exit the toddler phase of their lives and begin to develop as preschoolers, our classroom is prepared to guide them through this journey. Because each child develops at a slightly different rate the teachers in this classroom are prepared to provide group activities but still foster each child individually. The classroom keeps preschool learning activities fun, exciting, and developmentally appropriate and hands on through play. Our preschool classroom supplies developmentally appropriate materials and equipment to enable the children to learn and grow. We take the children for walks throughout the building and outside when appropriate to explore and learn about the world around them.


“ S E   H A B L A    E S P A Ñ O L”